I love this pic of Misty. ( Sorry, changed pics, like this one better)Misty is a Quarter Horse/Morgan cross. She is 12 years old and in my opinion worth her weight in gold. A couple of years ago I took Misty and Toots on a local trail ride which doubles as a bike trail. I brought my daughter Becs with me. We parked the trailer and truck and unloaded the horses and saddled up, mounted and started off down the trail which is an old railroad track. We had gotten about a mile and a half down the trail. A nice leisurely walk and Misty stopped dead in her tracks. I urged her forward. I spun her a couple of times and she kept backing. I could not get her to move forward further down the trail. Becs on Toots stopped and waited. Of course this argument with Misty was dangerous as there were steep embankments on both sides of the narrow trail, so I opted to leave as is and we turned around and headed back. She was on high alert all the way back. I couldn't figure out what was going on. This wasn't the first time she had been on this trail. When we got back to the trailer, there were a group of men drinking Corona coming out of the field next to the trail and they walked toward us. Telling us how they admired our horses and asking us if they could ride sometime and then they said that they had been watching us ride. It was creepy. I think this mare was protecting me. She knew there were people spying on us from the field and refused to take me past that certain point where those men were waiting. We quickly loaded the horses and left. I've never gone back to that trail since.
The instincts of horses are really quite incredible.
That gives me the shivers (the guys, not your horse).
I heart my horse too... I think animals are preceptive in areas of the unseen that we should be more sensitive to. Kudos to Misty and to her owner who listened!
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