Tony shortly after birth.
Tony at about 3 months old.
Everyone with any connection to horses has an opinion on the closing of the "slaughter houses" With the government winning with these closings the horse industry has lost. No one has a problem with destroying thousands of unwanted cats and dogs. They get put down daily without making the news. Anyone that has to put down a horse and have it picked up pays $500.00 and up to "humanly" put down that animal. My dear mother finally confessed to me that it took 2 tries to put down Cassidy's mother. I selfishly spent 2 days crying on the couch and she sat with my horse in her last moments. Even at my age I still need my mother, I can never thank her enough for all that she has done for me. I can hardly type through the tears and it's been three years. For some people it is easier to send them through an auction and not know for sure if the went there or not. My mare was in so much pain for so long I had to make the decision that still pains me. I choose to bear the cost rather then send them off. But that is "my choice". I have friends that have seen how it is done at a facility, and it was faster then how my mare was put down. I consider it a necessary evil that prevents animals from being neglected or to live in pain. I do not know a breeder that breeds horses specifically for human consumption.
Tony at about 3 months old.

Back to Tony and Cassidy.
Cassidy is in Cutting training and entered in the NCHA futurity. Tony will most likely live his life out with me. He is the handsome colt out front. His mother either had a problem with delivery or stepped on him at birth. I wanted to put him down and my boyfriend and the vet said give him a chance. With the help of a chiropractor I do have a three year old that is sound enough to ride. If you let his feet get to long he has a slight limp so I cannot sell him as completely sound. When you watch him play with the other horses he is the fastest horse out there and so athletic. I like to consider myself a responsible breeder, I care where my horses go and how they are taken care of. I also take care of 6 mares and 1 stallion that are no longer sound enough to compete in the discipline they were trained for, they can at least be bred. If I had not taken them in, where would they have ended up? As far as I know the cutting horse industry does not have an organization to rescue or rehabilitate hurt or old cutting horses.
I really like this post. It is a subject I am struggling with. I have a 19 year old Appy who is pretty lame from her years of barrel racing. She throws a pretty babe, but I'm unsure what to do with her. I think the best option is for her to live here for as long as she can remain comfortable and then I will make the decision to have her put down.
It's a very hard decision to make, it's not as if they can tell you how much they hurt. I have to keep shoes on the front of my one mare and reset every 6 to 7 weeks to keep her walking decent. Next winter she will go on glucosamine. I'm hoping that will keep her comfortable.
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