We just had a storm go through and it was still raining. The sun was starting to come out and sure enough a rainbow. I shot this pic from our deck overlooking the horses, of course. Misty was in the lean-to. She melts in the rain, you know. Kola will just stand next to the building but not quite in it.
One thing I really miss about the Midwest is a nice, rumbling thunderstorm. In Oregon, we rarely get lightning and almost never hear thunder. I will be back in Minnesota for a week and hoping for at least one to fall asleep to.
I don't know about Oregon but in Washington we get more than enough thunderstorms for me.
I laughed about the horse under the cover. Seems like the poor horses can't win when it comes to covers. If they don't use them we complain we built them for no reason and if they do use them we make fun of them. We humans are funny creatures. LOL
beautiful photo!!
haha, Scooter usually runs into his shelter when it rains too except for the rare occassion during a lightening storm when he wants to give me a worry attack, he prance about for a few seconds-brat!
the rainbow is stunning, they are a favorite of mine.
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