How I love this mare. I haven't ridden her since last fall. Every time that I thought I may have had the time, it's been raining or something else needed to be done, Zoe's end of school year, cleaning up from storms and working full time night shift. Anyway, I finally made the time and it was Sunday, Zoe's graduation party and bunches of kids and young adults around. Initially I thought I would bring Misty out for pony rides, but the girls were so freaked out by all the action, I thought well, maybe not because I didn't want anyone to get hurt. The girls did finally settle in and I thought, I'll saddle her up and lead her while the little kids sit on. This horse is so amazing, she just went along with it all, saddle adjustments, noisy toddlers and adults that had no idea how to ride, just short jaunts around the ring and finally me to correct all that may have been misinterpreted by from other riders. What an angel! Now the next day, Monday, of course when I'm ready for work , I wondered if her fronts were a little tender as she is slightly long and needs a trim. Jeremiah will be here Friday ( He's been busy and hard to reach as he's getting ready for the scheduled birth of his second child). So this morning, I'm still not sure if there's a problem. She looks tender, but hooves to touch are all four even in feel, not particularly warm, however standing in the sun and the fact that they're dark hooves doesn't make that determination easy, So I decided to err on the side of caution and gave her a gram of bute . I've got a couple of 35 gallon rubber feeders/ troughs and I filled one partially with cold water and I lifted one leg and placed in the cold water and just led her into it and she stood just like an angel with both front feet in the water, fully trusting me, head lowered and snug up to my chest. I hope she's ok. I'll continue the soaks and the bute through Friday, when Jeremiah gets here to trim. He thinks she 's just a little tender and that it's unlikely to be laminitis. She's still eating well. Both girls on currently dieting and the pasture never grew enough before it was grazed down, so I know it's not that, I've decided to hold the little bit of grain that they get in the A.M. until the matter resolves.
Oh, I hate worrying about my horse friends. It would be so much easier if they could talk and tell us what they need and how they feel. Hope it all goes well.
Thank-you. It's already better. Went out there this evening to feed and felt her front hooves and they are definately cool, no mistaking it and she looks alot less tender. I'll bute her agian tomorrow and continue to watch her. Once those feet are trimmed, I know she'll be fine.
Bute, such a wonderful worry eraser! Do we even remember how old Misty is, she probably is entering the teen's. It may be time to consider glucosamine. Even though it's for the joints it seems to help all around.
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