They have banned an essential way of life in Romania. Travel by horse and cart on National Roads. The problem is that most roads in Romania are national and horse and cart is essential to the rural farmer there. Here is a link to the Transylvanian Horseman's web post about and how you can help.
I gotta go read that when I have time...the thought of it makes me angry...just like when I hear horses are banned from State trail systems because bike riders don't like them. Our state trail in MN, the Luce Line, is getting paved over thanks to cyclists...it was an amazing, beautiful trail that went for miles and is getting paved as we speak. Horses now have to even stay off the paved parts and walk beside it. It just infuriates me to no end.
What? They can't do that to him...
I posted about this a few days ago on my blog. It's pretty darn pathetic.
I think few people did. I feel a little late gettin' on the boat with this one, although it's probably good that we stagger it a bit and keep it going.
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