I posted this yesterday and then retracted it, now I'm bringing it to light again. It may be childish and stupid of me, but I get pissed when I feel that my friends and myself have been attacked, maybe not personally, but none the less as a whole. If I offend anyone, read apology on previous post.
I've been holding back for some time now and I just cannot contain myself any longer................Of course most of the comments I've read on my own blog and on a few other's blogs of this now notorious mean spirited so-called horse blogger, state that she is entitled to her opinion. I have read this blog, because......curiosity that anyone could not possibly be that vile, and it has stirred us up so much. These may be her opinions, but my best guess is that she is a lonely pitiful human and her intent is to piss others off. What she shares most likely is NOT a matter of opinion, but designed to bring her attention. "Even negative attention is better than none." She has a vile "opinion" and I use that word for lack of a better one, on every single discipline but hers and even complains about the competitors in her own discipline. However, she has failed on her own blog as nobody has left a comment and once read, not going back........As is true for most that have actually read her vile crap, I'm sure. It's certainly not worth commenting on her blog. Therefore, she will continue on her lonely path as she has created that for herself. Kudos to TweedleDum, as she herself, on her own, has just alienated herself from a horse blogosphere full of experience, advice, caring and camaraderie. She is not that young and according to her, quite experienced, nearest I can tell only a few years. She refers to her horse with a non-complimentary name. She even complains of keeping horses barefoot. I know I should take a higher road than I have just done, but I am who I am and simply must spew this out! I have not named her nor will I. And I know that we should not let people like this get the best of us, however I feel that she has lost and has not gotten the best of me or anyone else. I just must vent! And now I am done.
My Darling Just could not contain herself any longer ,
She loved her tweedledum creation and just had to use it.
Just think what she does to me her poor long suffering husband when I say things Like "Misty is Ugly and has a beard that puts santa to shame" lololol
I have read a few blogs about this nasty mystery blogger and I must say I am curious what the site is but at the same time I don't like mean horse people and I know it would probably ruffle my feathers too so I wont let my curiousity get the best of me! I don't understand why some people in the horse industry think that they are so much better and higher up then others. You would think they would ban together over a common interest and realize that you could teach each other different ideas or techniques amoung other things. You are always learning with horses... Anyway, I love your site and just wanted to leave a comment. :) Take care!
Thanks, Nikki, I am a little ashamed of going off so about it all, but you are right not too give her the satisfaction...I too welcome new ideas and advice and often ask for it. There is always something to learn when it comes to horses. Really anything........
This blogger must not be that popular because I certainly can't find her - lol. I like your attitude, one that I share - there is always something to learn about horses, no matter what discipline or breed!
Thanks, Michelle, It was Jackie over at http://regardinghorses.com/ that actually brought her to light and she has just posted a very nice post on the matter. Jackie takes a much higher road than I did. And she's absolutely right.
I don't know who this blogger is either but I tend to feel sorry for her as she must be a very miserable person to write the things that you all know about. I also feel sorry for anyone connected with her and her horses. As an 'older' rider I suppose I should be offended by her comments about that but you know, I refuse to give her or her mean spirited comments the time of day!
I was wondering how long it would take before you put up the little green monster. All I can say is she must have been horribly spoiled by her father to have that high of an opinion of herself. She probably has no friends and is very insecure. I always say you get what you give. Life is so much easier when you surround yourself with positive, supportive people. Negative people will bring you down.
Good for you, Midlife Mom, My feathers were ruffled and I had to vent as did a few of us.....but now I'm done......You're right she doesn't deserve the time of day.
Kudos, Jess, kudos.......you know me too well....LOL
I could tell from some of your comments on MiKaels /Arabian blog that you were steaming. I know you feel better now that you got it off your chest, go give the girls a hug and forget it, it's not worth your time or aggravation.
You're right, Arlene,(It is Arlene, right?)(MS,allows for not so sharp a memory) I was steaming.......I'm good now, Just needed to let it out and now I'm done.....Will take your advice and hug said critters, before I'm off to work tonight.
That's me alright.
Callie - you are too funny. Glad you got it off your chest.
Callie- I got this email today from another pal, one of those silly forward this type thingys (that I read but confess, I generally dont forward them.) This had a Gem buried in it. I wont send you the whole ting, but it DID have an excellent point that might make you-- or any of the offended parties-- feel a bit better about this whole shebang here. ;)
It simply says;
"The Only Reason Anyone Would Ever Hate You, Is Because They Want To Be JUST LIKE YOU."
Digest that for a bit, and see how you feel after!;)
Warm Southlnad hugs from me and all the crew here :)
Mrs Mom, I like that saying, it makes sense.
I have to say, I truly laughed out loud at the picture. You totally just made my night!
LOL, I am really behind the eight ball here. I sent off my email not realizing you'd posted this. Looks like you're doing ok about getting it out of your system. I think I have it out of mine as well. Any idea what we should post tomorrow. lol
I wouldn't like to be her therapist!
Thanks, Mrs Mom. That sure makes me feel a bit beter! lol
Cowboy Cal: If we didn't like your blog, then we just would not come, would we? Keep goin', Cal Gal.
I figure it works for me Jess- they want to be just like me? OK- then they will have a desire to constantly improve their horse skills,knowledge base, and feel dog tired from chasing the kids around...LOL
So, that said, Da Bad Blogger has a lot to look forward and up to, in all of her rants, when she can look beyond her own nose ;)
Ok, guys and gals, Sorry I was unable to respond last night as had to work my usual 12 hour night. So I'm glad I was able to entertain...I did chuckle off and on all night about it. I quite like my artwork...hehehehehe
{{{HUGS}}} to all of you!
Poor Steve...does she twist you up like a pretzel and try to gnaw off your limbs?
I honestly got a bit of a chuckle out of reading her blog. After being slapped about for her idiotic remarks on old people and their Arabians, she took off like a rabid rabbit on reining, lol! Obviously, you're only a man if you ride a western pleasure horse in her eyes, which of course is the only real discipline (and only if you're on a quarter horse.)
I say we give her the big WHATEVER award to post on her bloggie. :)
I say we give her no awards at all and leave no trace that anyone was there. That is making her nuts I hear. And nuts sounds like a good place for her to me. lol
Personally, I think the artwork is much more effective once I saw the picture. LOL Sorry the evil just spilled out. But I'm done again.....maybe......but callie, I see you had no suggestions about what we should post now that we have up and vented......lol
I'm thinking I might tackle the story about a couple of horses I sold that were mistreated. I breathed a hint about them once and got attacked but I might be up for it now.
I say you're right Mikael.....My husband gave me a good idea, but I have to mull it over and must work another 12 night shift tonight, so won't get to post until Sun and Mon. But it will be off topic of BigGreen...LOL....couldn't resist.Maybe something related to disciplines.....have to think it out a bit.
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