Let me begin this post by simply saying, that I'll share my personal experiences, but I'm always, I mean always in the learning mode. That other's out there involved with horses certainly have more experience and knowledge to offer and though some of it, I may disagree with at times, I will keep my listening ears on. When it comes to horses and training and, what works for some may not work for others. I recently went out to visit a certain very popular blog (and I'm not talking about Big Green), only to find a certain well known trainer's ideas being trashed. I must admit that I personally have only read tidbits about this trainer's ideas and a lot of people follow these methods. I recently did a post myself about the "horsenalities" this trainer had described. I thought it was fun, and the article itself was interesting reading. In my limited consistent horse experience of a short eight years, I've learned alot, but certainly not all, by any means! I've learned alot from my much more experienced best friend and her boyfriend. I've learned alot from other bloggers out there, reading their experiences and stories and life's work. I've learned alot from different vets I've had here, people who train and even people who call themselves trainers. People in show rings, people who breed and sell, farriers and you name it! One thing I have learned and stand strict by is that if you think you are the "Beat all and end all and know everything there is to know" about horses than you are an imbicile! GET OVER YOURSELF! This in not directed at any of my fellow consistant bloggers or even those new to it, of whom I've grown to respect and enjoy!
The training tapes can be informative. The problem is that unless you have some experience it is like trying to do surgery on someone or changing a motor with a do it yourself tape. Not every situation is the same, your dealing with different temperaments and you have to have a feel for when it is time to go to the next level. I cringe when I see a horse go thru an auction and they saw they were trained using " so and so's method". The last one couldn't be ridden in, it had to be led.
So true........
I have been around horses my whole life.
Horses are a constant continuing learning situation. I wish I knew all there was to know...
People who think they KNOW all are idiots, you are RIGHT ON with that!
I said to a group of people this weekend if you find a trainer who says they know it all RUN as fast as you can. No one can know it all. I don't care how long you're been in this industry. The truly good horsemen will tell you they are learning something new all the time.
BG, Once again I got my feathers ruffled and had to sound off, but it's true......There is always something to learn.
Mikael, You are absolutely right and well said and sound advice!
I agree with everyone else. There is no one person who knows it all about horses, it is a constant learning experience every time you are around them whether you are training or riding them. Horses have a lot to teach us but we have to listen and adjust to each individual personality and work with each ones needs. They are all different. I have had many horses over the years, and I have never met one horse who was exactly the same as another, even if they were trained by the same person. So the more you know the less you know.
Amen Sister! Preach it to them! You all are right to run for the hills if you come in contact with someone who thinks they have all the right anwers!!!
I learned yesterday that Sonny the Reahb Horse T-H-R-I-V-E-S on praise. We did our 5 minute work, and he was getting almost cranky--- when he did something absolutely perfect and I was heading to quit, I busted out with a "Good Boy Sonny!" and I SWEAR, that big red goofball smiled and pranced around. Now prancing on a Thoroughbred, Arab, or any sleek lined horse I can see. Its graceful. Its beautiful. On a 16 hand dump truck on legs? Well, the intent was fantastic. But the execution was comical....
Its great to be able to LEARN every day out there with Sonny and Little Mare, and EVERY horse we come in contact with. Makes me feel alive!
Sometimes I can almost (almost mind you) pity the people who already Know All There Is To Know.... they sure are missing out on a slew of fun arent they? ;)
Oh, Mrs.Mom, You should get video of that, I would love to see that. Too funny!
Well said everyone. I feel like a "sponge" when it comes to information on horses...I want to read, I want to connect and chat, and I want to watch videos, and I want to sit back and observe. I think what horses can teach us is endless, too bad some think they have see and know all that there is.
I once heard "You think you know everything about horses after about five years of owning them, and then you learn you know absolutely nothing." It is my belief that an open mind and heart are the best things you can have when learning anything, and horses are a lifetime of learning.
Photo and Kathy, Both well said. I think we are all in concurment here. There is always something to learn.
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