Do any of your horses receive treats from you? And if they do, what are they? Is there anything unusual that your horse likes to eat? I know alot of people out there don't approve of treats, but I like to give my girls occasional treats. And when I do give them treats, it must be even. I swear they count. I know some horses will eat weird people food, but I'm always afraid to let them try odd people food, but that's just me. The treats my girls will get on occasion are apples, pears, carrots, regular horse treats of most varieties, including raisin treats, butterscotch, licorice and peppermints. I have given them an occasional peppermint candy. So what's on your horse's diet?
My horses will eat anything and love any kind of treat, the usual is carrots and apples with an occasional peppermint. Their absolute favorite is 'Stud Muffins'. My guy used to get one after a ride or lesson and he refused to go into the barn but instead walked straight to my car and stood by the rear door where he knew I kept them. They were in the car because if I left them in the tack room the boarders thought they were up for grabs and they are expensive so they were passed out sparingly.
Thanks, Arlene, I know Jess will have to pipe in here too, cuz I think one of hers eats Frito Corn Chips!
My "regular" size horse used to eat treats of all kinds - Fig Newton cookie and animal crackers being treats of choice. Now get just gets apples and carrots. The pony unfortunately gets no treats (is on pony diet).
I'm one of the no treat people :0( Cause my hubs don't agree with it and will have a caniption of I did!
My daughter does like to feed them carrots from time to time though.
My old Appy gelding would eat anything. And I mean ANYTHING! He liked burgers, extra ketchup, M&M's, Doritos, and all kinds of veggies and fruits too. And Donuts. He would just about do backflips for the occasional bit of yummy sugary pastry! (OK, so I would too on some occasions! LOL)
The two in the yard right now: Sonny is a carrot man totally, and Little Mare will turn herself inside out for peppermint candies. I drop a few in their feed buckets at least once a day.... Gotta show them the love, right? ;)
You are right--- when Pop wanders over to dispense carrots, I *swear* they count who got more, AND which one got the bigger carrots. The pigs!
Ranchette, Fig newton cookies? I suppose why not, all sugary and sweet.
Jen, I know there are firm believers in the "no treat rule" I'd sneak a carrot or two myself...
Mrs.Mom, Burgers with extra kethup!....LOL....And donuts!!!!!!! Too funny and why am I not suprised....LOL....And I know mine count to make sure it's even. I just know they do!
Carrots and the free baggies filled with horse treat samples that they give me each time I go to the feed store. I have no idea what they are. Sometimes they give me baggies of dog treats AND baggies of horse treats, so I wouldn't be surprised if I got them mixed up and fed the horses dog buscuits!
NuzMuz, I wish I could get free samples!
I had a quarter horse pony for a while who would eat anything I gave him, including chips, crackers with peanute butter, and bits of nectarine. Most of the horses at my barn also turn themselves inside out for peppermints. Oh, and several of them have loved pop. We'd get cans out of the machine and pour some into our hands and they would lap it up. I had a couple of horses who would get quite belligerent if they saw me with a can of pop that I wasn't sharing.
Jackie, LOL, I've heard of horses drinkeing beer and soda!
My mom was a stickler about not hand feeding horses-so that is how I grew up. Megan on the other hand-well...her crazy little paint will eat anything she holds out for him. Grapes are his favorite.
Now because we do a lot of free stretching exercises with the horses and Megan is always working on tricks, we keep a bag of horse cake around.
Megan has even converted my mom by teaching her how to stretch her horses. What grandma's won't do for their grand-daughter's. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks-LOL.
Now, call me ignorant, but what is horse cake? I've never heard of that.
Whatever is handy. Right now it's alfalfa cubes. I got a little nip in the palm feeding them to Buddy this morning, which is I guess why people say this is a bad idea. I'll keep doing it, though. As far as vices go, hand-feeding your horses is pretty far down the list.
I'm with ya Anne!
That's such a cute photo. Nice to see the blue sky behind her.
We don't give our horses treats except grain if we are going to ride them. We don't like them associating us with food.
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