Sunday, April 20, 2008

It Never Fails

Why is it a horse will always colic on the weekend when vet rates are doubled because they are on call. That's my Kola.........Drinking fresh water with her normal dinner at about 4:30pm. And then laying down at the start of her colic which I wasn't sure about until closer inspection at about 6:00pm. And then in total darkness sleeping off her sedation at about 8:00pm. Of course now at about 10:00pm she is awake and can't figure out why she is in the paddock without Misty by her side. I have no idea what the bill will be, but it's worth it as I love her so much. Of course this all started after a busy day of major yard clean up and as I was about to take a bath to wash off the day's dirt. So I was out there walking a horse without underwear on in a t-shirt, shorts, sweatshirt and my slippers as Steve stood by the phone and we waited an hour for the vet as she was at another emergency call, so things didn't finish up until shortly after 8:00pm. She got tubed, mineral oiled and electrolyted and a hand up her bum to check for impaction, although she did poop for me a few times as I was walking her for the hour we waited. She really did want to lay. She seems to be feeling better now. Vet said she thought it was very mild and we caught it very early on. Kola usually has an annual September gas colic, but last Spring we thought she may have had colic, but then we thought it was more of a reaction to her Spring shots, but treated for colic anyway. So does she get a bi-annual colic? Well she did this year. While we treated Kola, Misty had to stand near. The vet, very nice this time, like her loads, referred to Misty as a Labrador and Kola as an easy drunk. Kola only had a half dose of sedation and was knocked out. Anyway, Kola will be quite pissed in the morning as Misty will have breakfast and Kola will be fasting until the evening. I'm too tired to take my bath now.


Pony Girl said...

Callie, I am glad Kola is okay!! It's that time of the year. It is every horse person's nightmare, I know I am terrified of even a minor bout. Surely I will have to deal with it at some point during horse ownership. My vet just recommended probiotics for My Boy's gassy tummy, I'm going to start him on them this week and see if that helps. I hope you get to take your bath, it will relax you!!

Rising Rainbow said...

Geez, the ugly C word is sure making the rounds. I hope that it stops soon. Glad to hear the vet said it is a mild case. I hate this stuff. Hope you get a good night's sleep after this adventure.

Callie said...

Thanks Pony girl and MIkael, I was able to sleep after she was awake and perky after the sedation wore off and she's seems back to her usual self this morning, head hanging over the fence wondering where the food is.

Grey Horse Matters said...

Happy to hear Kola is doing better. You are right though these things seem to always happen on a weekend. It was a year ago this weekend that I lost my guy to a ruptured colon that they couldn't do anything about. I attributed that to the weather and spring shots etc. It is good you caught this early so she could be helped.

Mrs. Mom said...

Glad Kola is OK there Callie.... Darn Kids. Must definately be the season for the dearded "C" word- loads of people here that we have talked with have had isses with it too. They are blaming it on the hay though.... Beats me- I just keep crossing my fingers that we dont have any issues with it at our place!

Rubs to the girls!! And for pitys sake, go get that bath! LOL

Anonymous said...

Glad everything turned out ok for Kola; colic is such a scary thing. And I know just what you mean on the weekend and late night vet calls. I think the horses wait for normal business horses to pass.

BarnGoddess said...

oh no!!! I am glad she is okay!!

our horses always KNOW the best time to cause US distress dont they?

Callie said...

Thanks All, GHM, Mrs.Mom, Ranchette, BG, for the concern, her timing is impecable...LOL...I haven't fed even Misty this morning. I see them milling about ok enough. I'll start her on a little hay about noon time. Misty has had some grass available to her.

Twisted Oaks Quarter Horses said...

Callie, since this seems to becoming a common thing with Kola you may want to look into putting her on Strongid-C or something for possible ulcers. I kept Black on the Strongid and it did seem to keep her colic to once a month. I later found out that ulcers can cause colic and that is probably what killed her. She would stress colic a lot, sometimes it was impact. You could not change her food, feeding times, pasture mates, any big change she would colic. Probiotics helped also. The strongid helps with the impact type of colic.

LA Nickers said...

Glad Kola will be all right.

We have seen many horses grow a bit colicky when the weather changes so dramatically.

THE MANE POINT - on blogspot

Callie said...

Thanks Jess, Nickers....Am researching supplements for colic right now.