Thought I would share this story. I'll first start by saying I moved here to this house on Bowers Road in Spring of 1995. It was fairly warm and we had rented a moving van and enlisted my in laws at the time to help with the move. A very long day and at the end of it, Kathy and I went back to the apartment in Lake Geneva to clean up. We had brought three of Kathy's girls with us. They were little, Meghan 8yrs, Ashley 6yrs, and I think we had Carly, who must have been around 3yrs old. My car was a 1989 Cougar with bucket seats and two doors. We were returning from the apartment, must had been around 7 or 8pm as it was dark but not pitch black. I was hauling down Bowers Road only about 3 or 4 miles from the new house, when a huge black dog like creature flew up and out of the ditch at the passenger side of the car and hit it with a mighty force! We all saw teeth! Kathy screamed, the girls screamed and Kathy actually flung herself over the center council and nearly into my lap! My response was, "What the hell was that?!". The shear force of it caused me to swerve. We looked behind us as I slowed down and it was gone! We then began to laugh and make comments about how silly we had been and "Cripes! That was some dog!". The next day, I inspected my car to find claw scratches on the door and rear quarter panel. We told the men and they as often men do blew us off until they saw the scratches and then the questions, "Are you sure you didn't hit a deer?" Well, I don't know of any deer that have claws. Anyway, it wasn't until about a month later that I learned of what it might have been, funny enough. I was just meeting some of the Moms in the Elkhorn School District as Zoe was now at the Kindergarten. One of them had said, "Oh, you live on Bowers Road?" "Near Bray Road?". "Yes" I answered. "You live near the Bray Road Werewolf." she said. I said, "The what?" And she indulged me with the stories of the sightings of this thing. I decided to do a little sleuthing myself and headed to the Elkhorn Library and sure enough I found an entire file with local and not so local newspaper clippings and interviews with people who had encountered the thing. There were so many sightings of the creature and encounters on both Bray and Bowers Roads that often there were Werewolf parties at the Elkhorn taverns in the early '90's. In fact the sightings are all over southeast Wisconsin to this day. Most recent last November. It was all over the news. I'm not sure what to believe, however, I know that whatever I encountered attacked my car and it was quick and fast. Wisconsin is rich with Native American history and tribes. Some speculate that it is a Native American shape shifter. Have any of you ever heard of the Bray Road Werewolf ? It was featured on TV. This is one of the many links over the Internet about it........Bray Road Werewolf .
And to think I'm unnerved enough by the sound of coyotes on the neighbor's lawn! Start traveling with those silver bullets.
LOL, Ranchette, I get unnerved by the sound of coyotes here as well. To me they sound like something that has risen from the depts of hell and Wisconsin coyotes are larger than most as they have cross bred with wolves. They're huge and often come crossing through our property!
I haven't heard of it, but my husband saw a TV show on it a couple of weeks ago. I believe that Bigfoot exists and is simply one more species we don't know much about. I supposed a werewolf could be another elusive animal.
Thanks for weighin' in NuzMuz, It's such common knowledge here that I wonder if it's just us or if anyone else around the world has heard of it.
Okay, I'm not going to follow your link right now because it's getting dark and I'll get scared!
Do you feel like it was purposely trying to attack your car or just crossing the street? Has it ever attacked a person?
I never fully believe tales like that because I'd scare myself to death, but I always have an undying curiosity......but when you speak to someone who has a firsthand account, it makes it even more real.
The things that go Bump in the night.... geesh Callie, you sure know how to pick em! You gave me goose bumps reading that. Yep, I have seen that program you and NM mentioned... and it gave me the willies too. (And people wonder why this former mountain dwelling backwoods woman is ARMED 99% of the time??? Geesh! LOL)
I have to agree with NM too- I kinda think there are a lot of things out there that we just dont know about yet. FL Skunk Ape, Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, Champ, Chupacabra, Werewolves- who are we to say if they are not around? ;)
Be safe out there girl! And don't send Stephen out alone in the night to check on things! :)
Pony Girl, The articles I read when I first heard of it had people pulled over to the side of the road to see what they had hit and it standing upright looking at them and then running all fours at them and their vehicle as they scramble to get in their car and drive! I'm not the first claw marks.
mrs mom, I get totally creeped out late at night. Especially in the winter when it gets darker earlier and I have to leave for night shift!
I've never heard of it but it sounds kind of creepy. I wouldn't be crazy about going out at night either. I believe there is a full moon coming soon, so be careful out there.
Oh dude-that is seriously creepy. I had to quit reading the article-I was getting goosebumps.
Strangely enough-although I don't often claim much of my native american heritage-the beliefs and stories passed down have a big impact on the things I believe in.
One native belief is that seeing an owl in the daytime and acknowledging it means someone is going to die. Megan and I saw one on a fence post and I was explaining to her the native beliefs behind seeing one and the next day my step-dad passed away.
We have seen several since then, but part of the belief is that you must acknowledge the owl(talking about it or looking it in the eye)and Megan is terrified to see one in the daylight now. Poor kid-I have damaged her for life.
LOL, Arlene, there is a full moon on the rise! Bright and shiny last night.
BECS, It is creepy. Have you talked with the Barn Goddess at Ramblins? She taking a break at the moment, but I remember her talking about an owl thing and Native American beliefs some time ago.
This is a very strange story. One does wonder about an exotic animal that had escaped from a private collection. If something like this was reported in Britain, we'd think that it was an elaborate hoax (though a badly planned one if the perpetrator gets run over). But I guess that, in a country where owning firearms is the norm, someone would have to be very foolish to imitate a dangerous carnivore.
White Horse, These sightings are documented here in southeast Wisconsin as far back as 1939, most recent November 2007. Not sure what to think of them, but what hit my car was no man.
No way!! I was kinda scared until you said you all started to laugh. I would have peed my pants!! How scary!! and I am with Pony girl, I am home alone right now at 11pm and I will get scared too!!! I am such a baby!! I will have to follow that link tomorrow morning!! What a crazy scary story!!!
Mommy Dearest,
The SciFi Channel made an original movie about it called "The Beast of Bray Road" .. and they occasionally play it.. I think the last time was sometime in March.
Here's a link to it on imdb http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0462193/
Your perfect daughter, Zoe
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