Thursday, March 5, 2009

Spring Is On It's Way.............................

The Canadian Geese are headed north!

I removed their blankets at breakfast today. No more blankets until next winter.

And I swallowed a mouth full of horse hair....."Hack!"

They couldn't wait to get out and stretch their legs. You can hear me call them both "Dorks" at the end. I had to fold back the cattle fencing first, then the electric ribbons and they were both trying to push through the ribbons and I had to tell them back until I could get the ribbons. Misty was trying to do her Autumn trick and crawl under before I opened it. I saw it in her eyes.


Grey Horse Matters said...

Yeah, it's getting warmer. Those geese are probably headed for my pond to reside for the rest of the year. They make such a mess of everything.
Looks like the girls were having fun kicking up their heels.

Callie said...

OMG! Arlene, the day before yesterday, I let them out and they were bucking and crazy. Today, I just looked out at them and saw Misty rolling and nothing left of Kola's white! LOL

Jean said...

Darn geese hang out all year here lately. Too many ponds around the warehouses and cornfields to keep them fat. Why migrate?

My Boys will be out without sheets on the weekend. Gee, I'm really looking forward to having them roll in the mud...not.

And the shedding horsehair? Love it when it gets in between my teeth...not.