Thursday, May 27, 2010

The More I Read.........................

I just have to put this out there..........And it may seem harsh, but sometimes it just drives me crazy. There are very few people out there that I actually do trust that they know what they are talking about when it comes to horses and their care. A few of them close blogger friends for example : Mrs Mom, Mikey, Arlene, Gayle and a many more. I guess what I'm trying to say is that we draw from our personal experiences. What we have learned over the years caring for our horses. And it doesn't always apply to other's horses. They too are individuals and react differently to different situations. And we all have different disciplines and what applies to some may not apply to others. But, some things are pretty universal. I guess I just get somewhat frustrated with people who jump on "bandwagons" that they really know nothing about and think they are educating and others naively follow close behind because of "word" alone. I'm just saying. Am I the only one that finds some of this frustrating? Perhaps I'm guilty of some of the same thing.


Grey Horse Matters said...

No Callie you're not the only one who finds all the misinformation frustrating! I'd like to know what makes someone the absolute expert on everything concerning horses and life in general. Where do you sign up for classes to become the sage who doles out wisdom by the bucketful anyway? I sometimes find myself biting my tongue when reading this stuff, and most times I just don't bother to comment. It will never change someone's opinion on how they view things so it doesn't serve any purpose to take them on.

I don't claim to know everything and I'm always learning, but there are some people out there who feel that their opinion is the only one every body should listen to. Even when I think I know how a situation should be handled I'm willing to listen to an alternative plan. I think more people should investigate the information they get and see if it makes sense to them and only then maybe give it a try on a limited basis. There's a lot to be said for common sense.

Mrs. Mom said...

We have a saying here...
"Trust But Verify".

There aren't absolutes- well with the possible exception being the only absolute can be that there are no absolutes ;)

Every horse if different.
Every situation for every horse is different.
Every person you talk with, read, or meet is going to offer some sort of education / insight into situations.

Take that information and verify it. Online, in a library, with your vet/trainer/hoofcare provider, in the barn-- where ever- but verify it for YOURSELF.

Alllll too easy to jump on any band wagon and be spoon fed only what you want to hear. Do the hard thing folks- Find Out for Yourself.

cheyenne jones said...

Good point. There are those who follow new and what seem easy options, trusting in the thought that the person teaching them knows all.
I trust me, to do the right thing, when, I have asked the pro`s and then sought advice.
I dont listen to those who profess to know all.

Gail said...

I wish there were a warning posted because I am seeking knowledge and it is hard for me to sort through it and get the things I need.

Beth said...

I find this frustrating too. I follow so many blog so that I can learn from others experiences too. I don't know if I can really add much to GHM and MRs. Mom's posts.

I sure hope that I don't come across as a know-it-all. I try to blog about what is going on with me and my horses. I do hope that others can learn from things I have tried, and from some of my mistakes. And I sure hope that anyone reading my blog takes my words with a grain of salt and compares it to what they know and experiences with their horse.

Terri said...

Hi Callie! I could not have said this better! In fact I had this very conversation with my brother yesterday, only I included some bad language for good measure!
Pleeeze, while I am sure u know more than I ever hope to about equines, keep ur superior knowledge to yourself! Out of respect for other horse folks, I keep my mouth shut, u do the same. I don't care what u feed, who shoes or trims for u, what vet u use, or any other thing you feel I should know concerning horses.
I love learning from open minded, qualified mentors, but those who constantly share their opinion annoy me to no end!
I have one horse. I would walk through fire for her.
We have been together as a team for 7 years. I know her as well as I know my own children. Thanks for this chance to blow off some steam. This is a real pet peeve of mine.
The emptiest wagon rattles the loudest. Lots of empty wagons out there.

Terri said...

Hi Callie! I could not have said this better! In fact I had this very conversation with my brother yesterday, only I included some bad language for good measure!
Pleeeze, while I am sure u know more than I ever hope to about equines, keep ur superior knowledge to yourself! Out of respect for other horse folks, I keep my mouth shut, u do the same. I don't care what u feed, who shoes or trims for u, what vet u use, or any other thing you feel I should know concerning horses.
I love learning from open minded, qualified mentors, but those who constantly share their opinion annoy me to no end!
I have one horse. I would walk through fire for her.
We have been together as a team for 7 years. I know her as well as I know my own children. Thanks for this chance to blow off some steam. This is a real pet peeve of mine.
The emptiest wagon rattles the loudest. Lots of empty wagons out there.

Midlife Mom said...

Very well put Callie. I agree totally! Also agree with Mrs. Mom to verify! There is so much misinformation out there it must be hard for some of the newer horse owners to know what to do. I do like to hear what others are doing for their horses but only the sites that I have faith in that they know what they are talking about.

Love your new dog! What a lucky one to have found his way into your home and heart!!!

Jean said...

The best trainer I ever had always had dozens of ways to accomplish the same end. He'd adapt his training to the horse and rider combination he was teaching.

We always need to remember there are no absolutes where living, breathing, thinking creatures like horses are concerned.

Anonymous said...

Ponies are a life-long learning project and anyone who says different wont know it anyway. There is always something to learn and those who have this passion for learning are the jewels among us.

saltwater fishing boats said...


All kind of horses keeps variability in their self. Every one is different from the other.