Thursday, August 4, 2011

An Update.................

Wow, Has it been a month already? Not a whole lot has been going on around here, other than battling the heat wave that has been sweeping the nation this summer. I actually didn't mow the lawn for nearly 3 weeks as it was dry and weedy. And the extreme heat and humidity has made it nearly impossible to do anything outdoors than what was actually necessary. The goat children are doing fine. The boys have shed out beautifully, however Miss Jenny is still a bit hairy. Not likely she let me catch her to comb her either. She is still in love with her Stephen.

We have had so many Humming Birds it's crazy. We sit out on the deck every evening and there are dozens buzzing around to the flowers and the feeders and then the sun finally falls and the skies give way to a plethora of Big Brown Bats, which like to dive bomb me. No Thank-you.

The girls are status quo. No more escapes since I finally fixed the fencing. And I'm happy to report that the solar powered fence charger is doing it's job. Not a tremendous shock like what you would get from the AC fence, but just enough to remind everyone not to breech it. And the two rounds of Pasture Pro Plus Stephen and I managed to get over the pasture this year has done amazing stuff. I have no clover, hence no "slobbers"and any other weeds for the most part are gone.

We finally got some relief from all the heat Tuesday evening as the cold front pushed through and sparked off some really nice storms and some much needed rain. I had finally mowed the lawn the day before, thankfully. And I have to report our veggies have gone mad. I actually made home-made zucchini bread the other day, ummm, note to self: pay attention to measuring the vanilla....oops....but we've gotten great potatoes, beans, peas, zucchini, lettuce and cabbage so far this year. We will be building more garden boxes next year and plan the planting a little more carefully as well.


cheyenne jones said...

Glad you are both ok! havent heard for a while. We`ve been hearing about the heatwave over here, and wondering if it might come our way!!! (Hoping)

Beth said...

It has been a hot miserable summer. And August is supposed to be our hot month!

Britinusa said...

Love the photos ladies!Hope you get some cooler weather soon. Callie are you British?

Callie said...

Britinusa, Actually I am as American as can be, however, I have been married to my British husband for many years now. ;)

Kallista said...

Slobbers? Is that what that is? And it's caused by clover?

Unknown said...

hi! found you from facebook's networked blogs. Glad to read you've had a pleasant summer... but I just cannot get over that bolt of lightening! first, wow! on snapping at the right moment. secondly, lightening like that kind of freaks out this california girl!



Midlife Mom said...

Great pictures as always Callie! Glad that lightening didn't strike at your place!!!!!!

Jaime said...

Great lightning photo!

Allena said...

I'm glad this miserable summer is over! We have LaMancha dairy goats, and they were miserable too.

I had to go hose a couple of them two or three times a day..poor goats.