Wednesday, June 20, 2012

As Promised: The Wonders of Absorbine

        My friend, Sean at Absorbine sent me a few new products to test and so I did. The Ultra Shield Bug Spray seems to do a pretty good job at keeping flies at bay. I do alternate this new product with Pyranna and it's working well, especially in this so far dry hot summer.

      As most of you know by now, Kola is in a pre-Cushings sort of way. I curently am treating her with diet and Levothyroxine and needed to shave her for the summer, which included a bath and since she's mostly white and gets stained, I had the pleasure of trying this new product from Absorbine. Sort of an oxy-clean for horses........worked well as I have had a temporarily white horse, that is until she gets into more dirt and grass stains. So pictured a pretty much white horse. Highly suggested for those of you that show a white marked horse.

       On a fun note, I put the sprinkler out in the pasture for the girls, at first they were extremely pensive and I nearly got trampled trying to introduce them to it, but as you can see in the pic, they soon decided that it was harmless and kind of fun as Misty got wet and rolled a few times.


Laura said...

Aww a sprinkler in a paddock is a great idea! And those products sound good!

John and Regina Zdravich said...

i like the sprinkler idea -- maybe i'll get up the nerve to try it with my horses!

John and Regina Zdravich said...

i like the sprinkler in the paddock idea -- maybe i'll get the nerve to try it with my horses!

Kristen Eleni Shellenbarger said...

Love those products! A sprinkler is brilliant!

Equine Sales said...

My gelding loves playing with the why not a sprinkler? I wish I had thought of that before! Off to find a super durable, horse-proof sprinkler...