Thursday, November 1, 2012

It's Been Awhile Since The Last Post.

 Well, Stephen, Zoe and I went back to England this October for 17 days. I'll do a post on that later. Since we've been back it's been a bit hectic, getting back to work and back into our routine. Spot managed to lick himself ill, silly dope, so he's now in the "cone of shame" and on antibiotics. Of  course the dreaded "cone" comes with other consequences as freaking out the girls when he comes out doors.
 As you can see by Kola's "What the hell is that?" look at him. So now I have to coordinate feeding and keep dogs from outdoors when it's the girls' breakfast and dinner times.

 On a good note, although I miss my regular horse Doc, she is no longer with our Vet Service, so today, we met one of the new ones. I like him, He was very good as were my girls. And for the first time ever, Kola got a body score of between 5 and 6. I've been very strict on their food. He said they both looked great and couldn't believe how well behaved they were. Makes me wonder what they usually come across. My girls are pretty layed back and didn't really have an issue with the temporary interruption to breakfast this morning for shots and a quick exam.


Unknown said...

Your dog and mine. Savanah got some horrible infection in her back foot and allergies from this dry Missouri weather. Isn't it funny how the walking satellite dish creates mass chaos whenever any horse sees it for the first time.

cheyenne jones said...

Looking forward to the post on home!!(UK)

Orville said...

The:cone of shame,it must be universal. That's what my wife and I call it also.

aurora said...

There seems to be a lot of vet's changing it up in this area lately. Glad you had a nice trip, it's always good to come home.

John and Regina Zdravich said...

Glad you like the new vet -- I can imagine how difficult it would be to make a switch like that. Looking forward to the posts on the trip across the pond.

Anonymous said...

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