Friday, July 6, 2007

Comment to Comments

Kola is an absolute angel. A horse I can trust, who must trust me. All is progressing well. And on animal weirdness, I now feel that I must take my little digital camera to the bath with me as this morning when I emerged from my bubbles after wetting my hair in this big old clawfoot tub, I was greeted by Spot, the border collie, with his head hung over the edge intensely watching the bubbles and water, waiting for me to squirt a fountain towards him with my hand. His pupils were as big as saucers. And Lilyput, the nearly blind 24 toed cat, stretched up to the tub, paws hung over the side, trying to swipe at the bubbles. Both of them at the same time. I have no privacy.........


Donna said...

I can just imagine your bath menagerie! If I didn't close the door I would find at least one dog in the shower with me as well. Pictures would be appreciated. [:o)

Anonymous said...

I have a huge bobtailed cat, Golly who is fascinated with bathwater or, for that matter, flushing toilets. Also, I have a Labrador retriever who likes to sleep in the empty bathtub.
I love this blog! I too, am an RN (mostly retired) who works just enough to support my daughter's two old thoroughbred geldings, largely pasture pets now. I live in Mississippi, on the gulf coast.
Mary W

Rising Rainbow said...

I have two cats into the flushing toliet thing, sure would like to know what's going through their little brains. It's a good thing the horses can't come in the house, they'd probably be in there too.