I've needed to get on Kola and ride her since I purchased her last September. My plan was to let her take the fall and winter to get used to me and her new surroundings. I did not do that with Junior last Spring and amongst other things, I ended up with a trip to the E.R. and a month recovering, not to mention still shaken confidence. Misty, pictured here is my confidence booster. She's the best horse anyone could ever ask for. I'm hoping that Kola will be the same. Anyway, after lawn and yard work all morning to afternoon, my plan was to ride Misty and then give Kola a try. I had my husband come out with me. I've not been on Kola since the test drive where I bought her. Needless to say, although they may be baby steps, I feel great. I first rode Misty and then had my husband hold Kola while I saddled her. She was fine. Because of my shaken confidence, I must admit I was concerned about getting on her with my little husband holding her. He wasn't sure he could handle her on the ground if something was to happen. So, bless him, he volunteered to get on her, knowing that I more than likely could handle her better on the ground than he. Mind you, my husband is not a horse person by any means. I led her around and she was fine. Now it was my turn. Just to get on and have Steve lead her with me on. Again, she was great ! I feel much more confident and tomorrow we'll try again and this time go solo. And the bonus part about it is that my lightweight saddle fits Kola as well.
I think you're doing great, just move along with your comfort level and you'll be fine.
Congrats on taking this important first step! Just take your time and let your confidence lead you and the horse.
Thanks, Gals, for all the words of encouragement. Misty is truely a best friend and I can trust her to the end as well as she must trust me. Kola is getting there. She's just as easy to be around and has never done anything silly on the ground and now I'm finding that she's as trustworthy while riding, but I truely believe that I had to build that trust with her.She needs to trust me and she's well on her way. I really believe that is the most important part between horse and human and that it takes time.
That's all wonderful. Let us know how you progress.
Shaken confidence is a true handicap which can be overcome. I think horses can lose confidence as well if we don't respect them.
misty is one of those horses who is worth her weight in GOLD :)
Yes she is, barngoddess, and right now that would be alot as she a bit on the tubby side. :}
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