Are our creatures a reflection of ourselves? Every creature in this household is just plain weird. Does anyone else experience this? My horses have their odd moments, Kola playing with hoof trimmings. Misty needing her puddling pool. Spot, the border collie having his morning cup of joe and this little kitten, blind, extra toes, who has to share whatever food I may be eating including Honeydew melon, fresh peaches, and now I just had to share my Edie's strawberry fruit and juice bar. They seem to all have very strange quirks. Is this my fault? The weirdness even goes so far as to reach my fish. I have only one Oscar, whose name, by the way is Oscar, but he is strange as well, watches me and my every move and follows me in his tank as far as he can go until he knocks himself out hitting the side of the tank too hard. It's weird! Does this mean I'm weird?
Yes definately!! Creatures are a reflextion of ourselves. Maybe forget using the term "weird" and use different adjectives to describe your pets. These are more positive...Quirky, Observant, and Interesting Palates. They all sound like lots of fun:-) Who wants a boring pet?? Not me!
I don't think it's weird, I'd call it loving. Your pets obviously love you and you love them back!
yep your weird!
but in a good way :)
my animals ALL have their quirks too, it makes me love them even more so.....
Who cares as long as they make you happy?
Yes, my kids are silly, strange, and wonderful.
Our chickens are pets and allowed to roam freely, but we'd have to make a mad dash to the car every time we'd open the garage door...the creaking sound the door would make sounded like a chicken clucking, and the hens would race into the garage so they'd get at the cat food.
Is your border collie a sire for any puppies? My 78 year old mother had one as a girl, and I'd love to get her another. Mickey lived to be 17, I believe.
a Percheron girl
You've let them develop their personalities. That's great. It shows how much you care about them.
Thanks All, they are all great and we share a home with a total of 15. I wouldn't change them for the world. It makes for great entertainment and unconditional love.
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