This post is in response to a post written by my friend Mikael at Rising Rainbows . Apparently someone out there in the blogosphere has trashed the Arabian Horse for some unknown reason, only reason I can come up with is simple ignorance. The Arab was always my favorite as a kid and I always hoped to have one when I grew up. As it turned out, I ended up with my muttly girls, which suits me down to the ground, however, I met a friend, who has Arabs and I had the opportunity to keep one of his own at my property for awhile, so that my husband could get the feel (because that is one of his favorite horse breeds). I also had a house full of young adult non riders and newer riders at the time. Todd lent me his beautiful Arab mare, "Toots".
Her registered name escapes me. But I have never met a sweeter, more well trained mare in my life. This horse would load herself on a trailer without lead and back out when asked. She rode bitless and was quite forgiving as all kids took a turn on her for a quick ride around the pasture. My daughter, Becs and I popped her and Misty in the trailer once and went for a ride down a local trail, shared with bicyclists, and she happily moved along the trail without so much as an eye blink and took good care of Becs. A great horse, that was often shown in western pleasure. She was 17 years old at the time of these pictures. So that would make her around 21 now. A beautiful marvelous horse. She's also been used as a lesson horse for young riders. She even carried my fat butt around the pasture without complaint. So anyone who takes issue with a breed for whatever their reason, out to think about how one horse may be trained and cared for.
Callie, thanks for the post. It sounds like she is a lovely mare.
I will be addressing the "issues" that blogger wrote in my next post. The biggest problem I have with her is her remarks are so mean spirited. I think people are entitled to their opinions but no one it entitled to be cruel.
As for the addy of that blog, I do not have it. From the comments on my blog, there are some there who read it on a regular basis though, so you might find it through one of them.
If you really want to go check it out, it's quarterandstockhorse.blogspot.com. Thanks for the link. I've just started reading your blog and will add you to my list as well!
I agree with MiKael ... people are entirely welcome to have different opinions. I don't care that she doesn't like Arabs or dressage or Parelli. I care that she is so incredibly cruel in her thinking and writing about those who do. Glad to have another person on board sticking up for variety!
You nailed it...ignorance. Best we can do is hope this person gets more equine experiences because these kind of comments come from the simple minded.
No Prob, Mikael, I consider you a kindred spirit!
Thanks, Jackie, I found her on my own with a little investigative techniques I learned. I think she's and an idiot and is simply fishing for links. I noticed that there is not one comment on any of her posts. I see she's made alot of friends....LOL
Yeah Chic, she is ignorant and I have a new name for her. It is TweedleDum.....
Well if went to TweedleDum's site. I thought it would make my blood boil and cause me to rant for a week, but actually, it was so sad it was funny. Obviously, this is a sad, sad individual. You have to wonder if her blog is even real? or is it just some way to get people to respond to her.
I was going to leave some scathing remarks, but after reading - I thought why bother? She obviously isn't going to learn anything and if it is just a ruse to get people up in arms then she has succeeded. A waste of time either way.
Now that I have read what she had to say - I won't have to worry about going back. There are way to many interesting and intelligent people to blog with rather than wasting time on someone who is obviously WAY down on the food chain.
LOL....BrownEyedCowgirls, I figured it wasn't worth the time either.....And quite laughable. Totally agree with you.
I won't go to that blog or will I ever check out fugly again. I try to stay away from negative, mean spirited people. I am used to ignorance because I deal with it everyday at work. Callie, I saw Todd this fall and Toots is bred. He had to put his old man down this summer and was able to get one last mare in foal. I have owned a registered half arab in the past and thought she was a real sweet mare. I like to look at them and think they a very beautiful. The great thing about God's creations is that he gave us a big enough variety to keep everyone happy. Some people are so miserable in life they just want everyone to be the same. I don't have time for them. B.E.C is right about that blogger trying to get attention. You know what they say, "negative attention is better then none".
Well said, Jess, well said.
I saw her post this morning on this and could not believe it. People can be so mean!
Toots looks like a real sweetheart, I guess it doesn't matter what another blogger may think about Arabians. She really doesn't look stupid, actually she looks quite intelligent and I think the people who love her aren't stupid either.Out of curiosity I checked out the ignoramuses blog and didn't leave a comment, it doesn't deserve it. Seriously, she is a pretty horse. I have never owned an Arabian or ridden one, but I would like to someday.
We have a horse that is traditionally classified as a nut-job breed, Mellon is a Trakhener, and he can be a little hot,even though he is around 20 yrs.old. I have to say he is the smartest horse in the barn and the kindest,and he was a wonderful jumper who was nice enough to save my daughter's bacon more than once at a jump out of love for her. So no matter what breed of horse you prefer, that's fine. They are all wonderful because they are horses. Like I've said before 'don't judge a book by it's cover or a horse by it's breed'. Love them all.
I read BIG GREENS BLOG and I have to say, Thank GOD that woman does not board at my barn. She wants attention and thats really sad, she probably has no self esteem and is not very good at her sport, so she lashes out to feel better. I really pity her and wish I could save the horses from her
Sad to hear your friend lost his stallion this summer. That last foal will be special.
Kris, you're right, she's just mean, probably needs to get layed.
Arlene, My Registered Quarter Horse gelding was too hot for me, and could be considered quirky. It's not the breed, it's the horse AND it's surroundings. My problem with my QH gelding was mostly me. I let him get away with too much and once he had my number....well you know the rest.
20 Meter, I like your nickname for her...LOL...Big Green, hehehe....You're right, it's really sad.
Mikael, Thanks, I did know that about Iman, but I had kind of forgot as it was last early summer. As I remember him, He was a very good lookin' bay Arab stallion.
Excellent idea! That's what I'll write about... my arab gelding who was for me, and is to his new girl, an angel in horse hide. :)
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