Now the fact that Miniature Horses are being used as Seeing Eye Guides for the blind is not funny in itself. I think it's rather cool. What is funny is my husband's reaction. I recently showed Steve a couple of posts out there. One at Simply Marvelous and more recently at Home On The Range . He did not believe it and swore that these horses were the mechanical Hasbro Butterscotch Pony......... We just argued for 15 minutes about it. I am laughing so hard......"How can a toy act as a seeing eye guide, Darling? " "Dogs do, why not mini horses?" His reaction, "Nooooooo????????" Oh what a silly man he can be sometimes, makes for great conversations and he gets his own back every now and then. Once I convinced him that a Jackalope truly exists, even went so far as to get him a mounted Jackalope for Christmas one year, although, he was skeptical, he might have just gone along with that one to amuse me. Had Zoe convinced as a toddler that if she was to get chicken pox, she would turn into a chicken. Used methods like clucking when she walked by and accusing her of making the noise and checking behind ears for feathers, "Mamaaaaaaaaa.......I don't want to be a chicken!" I say it builds character and they get their own back when all grown and we pay for their college...........
I think this is wonderful, the article I read on this years ago, had a man and a miniature going through a mall and the little horse actually had custom made sneakers for the slip factor. And tell your daughter I knew of a kid with chicken pox that turned into a rooster, right after the jackalope turned into the Easter Bunny.
LOL, Arlene........I must admit that when she just hit her "tweens" and we'd be shopping, I would shout across an aisle at her in a sort of "disabled" voice,"ZOE, I Wuv U !" and would create a heart shape over my chest and point to her. Most embarrassing to her and then she wised up and started back at me.HEHEHE
I have seen these stories. And I remember the mini in tenny runners. I don't remember however if it was wearing a poop catcher. lol
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