Her name is Mina. She is three years old and was found as a stray. We saw lots of puppies and decided that she needed us most. Of course Zoe and I rushed home to gather up Stephen and Spot as they suggested she meet them as well and of course, only after the meeting did she cough with suspected Kennel Cough and get diagnosed after Spot was exposed, but we decided to take her home with the proper meds and tomorrow Stephen will have to go to our vet and pick up antibiotics and vaccinations for me to give our other dogs. She is an Aussie Cattle Dog mix??????? She is very sweet and loving and Spot is dying to play, but we'll keep her quarantined to Zoe's room until we get this cough under control and the others vaccinated. She let a huge bark at the sight of the horses and goats and they equally looked at her like "What the hell is that?" But on second take, although the horses and goats were still curious, she didn't care. Good! So now we have to set everything up in Zoe's room. She is very cuddly and loving so far. She only weighs about 35 pounds, which is nice because once Zoe heads back to University, she'll be bunking with us. The plan was not to come home with a dog today, but to look at puppies all weekend and then make a decision, but she really tugged on all heart strings and puppies always get adopted, yet adults don't always. She and Spot are nearly the same age, so it will be a nice match. The old man is used to new critters coming home. Fido knows his place is special and he is the boss until his dying day.
Uh huh- I just KNEW you would come home with a dog today! hehehehe
She is beautiful Callie! Our Jo the Wonder Nanny Dog is a Cattle Dog cross, and every single one of them I have had has been AWESOME. Totally Awesome.
Hope she is feeling better soon, and ready to join the herd there!! Give her a pat from us!
Thanks, Mrs Mom, her name be not remain Kadie, though. Zoe is thinking up new names as we speak and right now she's just breaking my heart with her snorkiness and it's clear she does not fell super well. But I've already started her meds.
She does look like Zena. Very pretty! She may be a healer/australian shepard cross. She has the color of the shepard and the physical build of a healer along with short hair.
Thanks, Jess, and her new name is Mina! So Zoe has just informed me.
Well she is adorable. Hope she feels better soon. Mina is a cute name. I had a feeling you would come home with a dog today. There is just no looking and not finding one that is perfect. It's nice that you took an older dog that probably no one else would take because everyone wants a puppy. Good Luck with her.
Thanks, Arlene, she is a sweetie. Well interested in the cats. They are not so sure, but I am. She'll be just fine.
She has to be the cutest dog ever!! I love her! I would have taken her home too. I can never go and visit our pound because I would come home with all the dogs. I want to love them all.
oooh- she's cutie!!!!!
She's a cutie. I like the way she blends into that flower fabric that she's laying on. Maybe she can herd your horses and keep them in line.
LOL Somehow I just knew you'd be returning with a dog today.
Mina is adorable, and I have to say I looooove that 3rd pic with her white and black spots against the green and white bedspread. (almost made me dizzy) :)
Callie-you came home with an APPALOOSA? Pony Girl is going to be jealous-LOL.
She's a doll. I'm with you-puppies are cute and hard to resist, but I have always preferred to get older dogs. Ute was 4 months old when I got him and came from a good home. Red Dog and his brother, Blue Dog were rescues and about 7-8 months old when we got them. Sheez-weren't we original with the names-LOL. Blue Dog eventually got renamed Kola. I thought you would like that name-hehe. Did you know that Kola means "friend" in Lakota(and also almost every other indian language). We used to tease Megan and call him Shunka Wa-humpee-it means "puppy stew".
Gosh, you're gonna have to keep an eye on her. Only today I was reading about an army vehicle in Australia that was painted a camouflage colour and now - they can't find it!
Thanks all for commenting, She's turning out to be a doll and just broke my heart with her coughs last night. I must be PMSing as I was teary. Gosh, I'm a sucker!
SO cute! I bet she has some dalmation in her! Good for you for picking an adult over the puppies.
Wow what a sweet looking pup you got there. Have fun with her. =)
BEC~I AM jealous! It's an Appy dog, LOL.
Mina looks like a lovely dog, Callie. She has such unique coloring. What a great idea to adopt an adult too, I always feed bad for the older dogs that wait for homes a lot longer than the puppies. ;( When I get a dog someday, my plan is to adopt, too!
She is adorable! So glad you adopted an older dog, like you say the puppies go first and the older dogs wait and wait for a forever home. One of my duties as a board member on the humane society is to promote adopting older dogs and cats. Hope the cough is better real soon so that she can be out and about with the other dogs playing.
What a sweetheart! But then, I'm partial to black and white spotted dogs since I've had one for over 13 years. I hope her cough gets better quickly. I understand how it makes you feel so sad when your animals don't feel good.
Mina seems kind. Sure you'll have much happiness with her !
How ... CUTE !!
So glad you took an "experienced" dog. The older dogs sure know how to express their gratitude. Their faces say "thank you" everytime you look at them!
It's for sure she has the right mom to take care of her.
I LOVE her! I love how she blends with the bedspread!! Ha! What did you name her? I'm with you on the winter picture--I was thinking about that yesterday.
Callie - Stop playing with that new puppy and come play a game with us - I've tagged you, so please stop by and see if you want to play.
What a cutie! She would have come home with me too! LOL! Appy dog! ROTFL! I would say you are right on about her breeding!
We came home with a 4 month old bob tail kitten! His name is "Big & Rich!" He has yet to walk, Little cowgirl has been toting him everywhere! LOL!
Congrats to a cutie! Hope she gets to feeling better real soon!
Thanks all again, for the comments. Once again, sorry for getting to them late as I did my weekly weekend night shifts! We love our little Mina!
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