Here's poor Spider last winter. I was pretty hot this morning while I was feeding, we have such high humidity here. Gerald found this picture in my pile of pictures yesterday. When I look at this I don't mind the heat so much. We have gotten about 3 inches of rain in the last 2 days. How much snow would that be? I decided it's time to sell the Camaro and find something with front wheel drive. I think we are in for one hard winter!
And so you should , why should you have sexy sporty car to drive round in when rest of us have to be sensible
Your picture reminds me... this is the time I buy winter horse blankies on Ebay. Cheap cheap cheap right now!!
We had a firebird (same thing as a camaro basically) and after the first time hubby got stuck in the mud on our dirt road we went to a truck. I personally like to be high off the road to see the traffic better. Plus I want some meat behind me if someone hits me.
Oh, and seeing this pic cooled me right down. It has been hot, muggy and a bit rainy here too.
happy horsin' around!
We are thinking that this winter could be a bad one here too. We are due-it has just been too nice for to many winters.
Brrr-I think I prefer dealing with the heat. I hate frozen water, frozen water lines, frozen fingers, frozen toes...crap...why did I leave AZ?? LOL
OMG! He looks just pitiful!
The heat and humidity are so bad here too,(97) last time I looked anyway. Whew. I don't mind the winter that much, but I do hate humidity. There has to be a place that's just nice year round, but where?
OMG! I just looked at him agian aand that is the most pitiful face with icicles hanging off of it!
Oh dear, I remember when my horse looked like that! Well, he was more mud than frost. Ugh, I do not miss those days. No indoor arena means very little riding in the winter around here! :(
I think we have seen the last of mild winters around here. Pony don't feel bad about not having an indoor. It was so cold last year we hardly used it. We had so much ice that we could not walk our horses to the arena. I keep most of mine outside with blankets on. Steve, I have driven a Camaro since 1991, this one is #3. I guess I'm too much of a creature of habit. I must be getting old, I'm more worried about being sensible then being sexy.
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