Tuesday, November 18, 2008


This bratling, who will crucify me for posting this picture, is only an 8 hour drive away and will come home from college for Thanksgiving and Christmas. She'll be flying home this Friday with a full agenda for us! We love having the kids home with us for the Holidays! This is Zoe.

These two bratlings will be coming for a couple of weeks in December. They are only an 8 hour flight away from us. Thomas will come over first and then Sophie, Tom's girlfriend, will join us a week later. Tom will be in charge of cutting our Christmas tree down! heheheheh! We're so excited, it's been a year! Last year, we had so much fun together. I'm already wrapping presents! As if this wasn't good enough news already..........Wait for it.........................

It's quite possible our last two bratlings may join us in December as well. These too are an 8 hour flight away. This is Becs and her husband, Jim. It's been a couple of years since we've seen them. We talked with Becs this morning and I was so excited at the prospect of them coming that I couldn't talk and started crying. If anybody knows me well, I do not cry. I was so overwhelmed with the possibility that they may come, I couldn't help it. Stephen was so excited at the news this morning that he woke me at 6am to tell me. Only Becs is pregnant and needs to check with her Doc first. No pressure, kids, but it sure would be awesome....................just awesome...............


Tracey said...

Bratlings...lol...I love it!

Mrs. Mom said...


And a baby on the way too, awww!
This is so exciting Callie! Now stop with the waterworks there ;)

Hugs to you both over the great news!!!!

Unknown said...

It will be a great Christmas !

Callie said...

Well, We'll have the first three for sure. Those tickets are booked. Just waiting to hear back from the last two and then I'll book the tickets if it's a go!

Andrea said...

Oh I just love going home for Christmas!! I have never missed a year. Except this year. We are not going this year. Sigh...my first Christmas not at home.

But I hope all your kidos can make it in, that would be awesome!!

Grey Horse Matters said...

What great news. There is nothing like having all the kids home for the holidays, I hope her doctor gives her the okay to fly.

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

What a joyous and busy time you're going to be having this holiday season.

And what I really want to know, is if you call your kids 'bratlings' when they are there? lol!

New Mexico