Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thank-You, Victoria

I just received this lovely award from my good friend Victoria at Teachings Of The Horse. I thank-you very much, Victoria.

I'm going to send this along to Nuzzling Muzzles , who always shares with us what she has learned with her beautiful Arabs and never gives up. I admire her strength and determination!

And onto Andrea at Swamp Suburbia , who lives in the state of one of my favorite places in the world and has the cutest little crew of blondies I've ever seen.

And finally onto Mikey at The Horseshoeing Housewife , who never ceases to amaze me with her knowledge and awesome horsemanship!


Nuzzling Muzzles said...

Thanks, Callie. It's a beautiful award.

Grey Horse Matters said...

Congratulations on your award. Victoria is a sweetie. This is such a pretty pictured award to receive on a dreary winter day. It's nice to be reminded that the Spring and Summer are never to far away.

Andrea said...

Awh thanks Callie!! You are the best!! And Congrats to you on your award!!

Mikey said...

Well thanks!! That's very sweet, but my horsemanship hasn't been so awesome lately!! But I do appreciate it and will post it. Congrats to you too, you deserve it!