Thursday, March 12, 2009

Well Things Are Truly Getting Back To Normal....

Spot, Mina and I played pillow fight today! All I have to say to Spot is "Pillow Fight!" and he'll go and grab a pillow off the love seat behind my desk and start! To my surprise, Mina joined in!

Spot and Mina are back to behaving like siblings since we are all back to bed together now that Stephen can navigate the stairs to our bedroom. All is right with the world according to the dogs!

And Miss Liliput in all of her glory. I cannot believe the size of her feet. In fact, I cannot believe the size of her!


Grey Horse Matters said...

Glad things are getting back to normal and hubby is able to navigate the steps to bed. Liliput is quite the feline, she's a big girl, I'll bet no one messes with her.

Jean said...

Uhm, Miss Liliput is a tad on the...uhm how shall I put it delicately...rotund size? Perhaps she should join in the pillow fighting to shrink that girth a bit. (But I adore tubby kitties!! I adore kitties! All kitties!)

The pups are cute too. *G*

Nuzzling Muzzles said...

Those are all such funny pictures.

kdwhorses said...

Ya, glad things are getting back to normal! Love the pics~cuties you got there!

Glad your weather is calming down a bit! The past 3 days or so it has been raining, windy and down right cold! Supposed to start clearing tomorrow hubby says!

Callie said...

Yes, Liliput is downright fat!LOL, She is Daddy's baby, hehehe. Blind as a bat, many extra toes and just plain fat! So her mane is a bit of an oxymoron.

Victoria Cummings said...

There's nothing like your own bed. How great that everyone, including the dogs, are feeling things are right in the world again.

Midlife Mom said...

So glad that you are feeling better Callie and that Stephen got such a good report. Nice for him to be able to navigate the stairs now. My friend at the stable that was hurt so badly a month ago now can go up and down stairs.
Your kitty is adorable! I relate to a gal with some girth, shade in the summer, warmth in the winter! Glad things are better!!