Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Once Again, Another Busy Week.........

Yesterday, Jeremiah came and trimmed up some feet and helped me with the rest of the girl's vaccinations. They actually were kind of funny when getting trimmed, almost as if they were sleeping while the job got done. Jeremiah also brought his new little Border Collie pup with him. What a delight! I kick myself for not taking a picture. He was too cute, like a mini me of our Spot.

Kola was unimpressed with the red "horse" ball that Spot threw into the arena. The look on her face tells it all. She cracked me up this evening as I had dyed my hair and went out in a towel to feed them. Misty did not care, but Kola scooted around in circles snorting away. You know, the horse eating towel was on the prowl.

Stephen and I have begun shoring up and redoing the goat's pen. Got to love cattle panels!

Clearly, we have more work to do.

The dueling dog butts. Cracked me up!

How I love this nose!


Gail said...

There is always something to do on a farm.

Jean said...

I was thinking the same thing. Just when one job is done there is another one to do. Looks as if the goats are always ready to figure a way out. *lol*

Jeni said...

Always something to repair, clean or feed....

Grey Horse Matters said...

The work is never done. Love the dog butts going up side by side too.

Did you do your hair darker? Saw it on the sidebar. You look great in that color! I just bought a brown shade too and was planning on doing it a little darker myself this week.

cheyenne jones said...

Love the dogs!lol: Loads to do, not enough time to do it in! An old tree came down last night. Right across the poultry field. More fencing!! Must get the chainsaw out!
Love the pics.

Callie said...

Gail, Jean, Don't you know it! I think we are finishing the goat pen today!

JeniQ, At least the major cleaning part was done as in all of the poos gone!

Arlene, yes I did. At this point, I dont even know what my real color is except for perhaps gun metal grey, LOL

Cheyenne, I totally hear ya on the chainsaw business, we had a huge one come down over the winter, already sawed that one, but I've got a bazillion Boxelders that need to come down and get trimmed back, Also a dead choke cherry in the back I need to carefully remove from this property. All these years and I never knew it was a choke cherry, always bloomed, but never fruited until last year and now it's so old it's half dead!

Beth said...

Yup. .. hear ya loud and clear. Epecially here in the Midwest, we gotta work while there is no snow on the ground. Or excess of rain either! Pulled everything out of the barn yesterday to make way for hay, now it is all sitting on the lawn to be sorted and put away.

Nuzzling Muzzles said...

How did that goat managed that? The dog butts with legs stepping in unison is pretty funny.