Kola pictured here on Christmas day in her new blanket after a Saturday of rain and then temperatures in the teens that night. Sunday morning, her blanket was a sideways bunched up ice ball which I was unable to straighten, so she ended up with a new blanket and Misty pictured in her sliding sideways blanket. They were watching the kids out in the field on the quad. We had a bunch more snow,however a lot of it melted with that last rain. Of course now there is a powdery soft stuff on top of ice.
She's definitely styling now!!
Hope you all had a happy holiday!
your horses look beautiful :)
nice blankets..it looks soo cold!
Thanks, Mikael, Hope yours was good to you as well. She's much happier. First blanket I've ever gotton for a horse that actually doesn't slide all over. I didn't think that was in the realm of possibilities. A blanket that doesn't slide.
Thanks BG, actually I was out on the deck in my pajamas. It's been in the high 30's the past few days. For here, down right balmy! I'm greatful for WInters in the 20's. It get real crappy when it starts hittin' the single digits. Those are the days I dread!
Nice blankets! Please do tell, what blanket did you find that doesn't slide?
Your photos remind me of the cold winters when I lived in Milwaukee and Mequon. Beautiful country, however. Loved every minute.
It's a Weaver brand. About a medium weight 80 inch turn out blanket. Has a bit of fleece at the top over the withers. Two typical buckles in front, the normal criss-cross belly straps and the around the hind legs straps that snap to the blanket. Very typical, I've had simular before,but this one hasn't slid one bit. It hangs longer, but has pleats bilateral front for leg movement and she loves it. Cost 59 dollars at Farm n'Fleet. Light thermal quilt underside and a canvas/nylon outer cover. I have to get one for Misty as well.
Thanks Callie,
The blanket sounds great. Will check it out.
Yep, I do have a split personality with two sites. Thanks for checking out the second one.
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