This is Badger. He stayed with me for a couple of weeks. Steve just got me Photoshop Elements and I practiced on this photo of Badger. It's really cool. Much more enhanced and I've only just begun. It'll take me awhile to figure it all out as there is so much one can do. This boy was one big sweet boy.
You have photoshop elements, I am so jealous. My pictures so need help right now. lol
Ilike it and can't wait to figure it all out, but I don't adapt well to change, so it can be frustrating. I guess I should go through the guide! LOL
Yay Photoshop! I actually did graphic design professionally for a few years, and even with that I still have so much to learn. Once you learn your way around some of the basics though, you can do almost anything you want. Good luck!
I love working with photo shop stuff, I just don't have the patience to read through all the directions so I am sure I'm not using it correctly. I don't have what you do I have a program called Corel photo shop something, it's fun but like I said I really should read the directions someday.
I LOVE photoshop! I know what you mean about not adapting, though, and I tend to get very frustrated over learning new computer things. It's still a blast to play with, though!
It took me an hour and a half to transfer all horse pictures into new folder, now to separate all the rest. heheheh
Read the guide.....now that's a concept, I'm afraid I'm not good at that either. I think all gadgets and programs should be self-explanatory. lol
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