Sunday, August 24, 2008

Definition Of A "Fully".........

We might be able to guess who I am talking about..............

1) A Fully has low self esteem and must pick on others to make themselves feel better.

2) A Fully gathers others to blindly follow her cause..........The others must also have low self esteem or they would think for themselves.

3) A Fully really feels "fugly" inside or she wouldn't need the "others" to boost her ego.

4) A Fully doesn't have the guts to ever admit any wrong doing on her behalf and just chooses to ignore the matter after it has gotten out of hand, really showing that she does not have the control she believes she has.

5) A Fully is a selfish being and is hateful and spiteful, probably really going back to that self esteem matter which makes her very sad indeed.

6) A Fully follower is an even sadder Fuppet.


Anonymous said...

Dwelling on the negative in others, as do the people to whom you refer, is a sad and destructive trait.

Deciding the worth of a pleasure horse (and, therefore, that of his owner) solely based on conformation is a dated and often inaccurate method. Humans used to be judged by their confirmation too, leading to centuries of slavery and genocide. (Aspiring immigrants at Ellis Island were graded according to physical conformation into the 1930's, when the Nazis finally gave that kind of thing a bad name.) Given their baying behaviour and pack mentality, prejudice and ad hominem attacks, F**** and her followers may justifiably be accused of behaving like fascists. They should be branded as fascists in our dealings with them.

It isn't difficult to do good. Yet these people choose not to. That is sad, stupid and a waste.

Callie said...

OH Nicely said, WHP, nicely said!

Unknown said...

I learn a new word. I would not be able to give a French translation for it. I don't know if a word exists to mean all these things.

Callie said...

Portraits, Darlin' , I made the word up. I'm being sarcastic about a certain blogger out there that is mean and nasty to others. Sorry sweetie to confuse you. :)

Midlife Mom said...

Sad that there are bloggers out there that feel they have to pick on others to make themselves feel better. Sad. You tell 'em Callie!

Grey Horse Matters said...

I've been to her site a few times. I'd have to agree with WHP on dwelling on the negative in others. It does seems to be a pack mentality, guess that's why people were stoned in the old days. I don't agree with it but I do understand that people are sheep and need a leader to follow, it's sad they've all chosen a leader who is a negative influence instead of a positive one. I've come across this on another blog too, where I've left an innocent comment that the sheep in their infinite wisdom misunderstood, and since it wasn't what the blog writer and her sheep wanted to hear I was attacked not once but twice. Obviously, I don't visit anymore. There are a lot of small minded people out there in their own little world.In this day and age it seems such a shame that people won't listen to opinions with an open mind.

Callie said...

LOL, Midlife Mom, It just gets up my nose sometimes and I have to spout off! That's the great thing about being in my forties!

Oh Dear, Arlene, I can't imagine who the second one is. Have I been there? Geeze! How could anyone get pissy with you! Seriously. I think you're one of the coolest out there!

Pony Girl said...

Ha ha, I love it! A fully! ;) Very clever, Callie.

Callie said...

LOL, Pony Girl, I quack myself up sometimes!

jme said...

ha ha, i love it! i have another word for people like that, but it's not something i'd like to say on such a nice blog ;-)

i also have to agree with WHP that, in the end, conformation amounts to little in determining the worth of a horse (or person) and thinking that way is stupid and destructive. some of our best horses have had major 'faults' but still outperformed horses 5x their price, stayed sound and made great partners (and of course we loved them!) are they worthless just because they didn't conform to some unattainable physical ideal? or are we hung up on arbitrary criteria that ultimately means nothing? there have been plenty of winning racehorses, jumpers, dressage horses, etc. that had major 'flaws' and still managed to surpass more 'ideal' horses. in fact, they are the rule, rather than the exception.

sadly, our culture is so obsessed with this false notion of physical perfection and uniformity that we've forgotten that the true worth of things lies beyond the merely superficial. i'd take a 'fugly' horse with a big heart over one that was just pretty any day :-)

and, i've also had another blogger and her mindless minions gang up on me for holding an alternate viewpoint, so i am aware of just how petty and closed-minded people can be out there... it's sad when people can't bear to have their own opinions challenged :-(

Callie said...

Awesome comment, JME, and equally well said. My little mares, I'm sure would be considered fugly, but they are the best! And quite frankly I liked the look of that roan filly. Thought she was cute! Who is this other blogger with mindless minions? I am dying to know!

jme said...

sorry, can't tell - i don't want to start a blog war ;-)

Callie said...

That's OK, JME, Understood, I prefer to spout off on my own blog and do not believe in wars. I just can't believe there is another one out there!

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

Good goin' Callie.

One particular comment they always refer to that drives me nuts is "drinking the kool-aid"...WTH?? If any of them ever took a look at their mentality they would see that they are "drinking kool-aid" too.

Callie said...

BECS, To that I say WTF? kool-aid and just what the hell does that mean. Dumbasses! Morons!

cdncowgirl said...

I heard this once (not sure where) but it definately applies to a lot of the "fugly-ites"
'That which we most hate in others is our own strongest fault'

ummm, and on the kool-aid, I think alot of them are drinking double-doses!

Callie-I just got caught up! (I was out east for my dad's transplant) And since I don't want to waste a bunch of time commenting on every single post I missed I just wanted to leave a big :) here. You've had a bunch of good pics lately. (but seriously, the dog threw up on you!? Ick!! I hate that watery-grass puke!) :x